AIIA South Australia

The Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) is an independent non-partisan, non-profit organisation devoted to the promotion and discussion of international affairs and global issues. The Institute hosts an active program of speakers throughout the year focused both on ongoing global issues, as well as current events and issues affecting the world today.

Established in New South Wales in 1924, and in Victoria in 1925 as branches of London’s Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the AIIA was created as an Australian entity in its own right in 1933, and today has branches in all states and the ACT.

The South Australia AIIA is located in the CBD of Adelaide and organizes regular events engaging with the key issues in international affairs, including how they impact Australia nationally and also at the state level.

AIIA South Australia is governed by a Council comprised of members from a wide variety of backgrounds, all with a keen interest in international affairs, and is strongly supported by volunteers and interns, and by the generosity of its members. Membership is open to all Australian residents, corporate bodies, diplomatic representatives, schools and students.

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A Lecture By

Purnendra Jain (Emeritus Professor at The University of Adelaide)

Purnendra Jain

Emeritus Professor at The University of Adelaide


It has been over a year since Shinzo Abe was assassinated in June 2022, and the world is still coming to terms with this loss.

Abe was a master statesman and architect of strategic concepts and policies which have served Japan's national interests well and he made a difference to global politics. The strategic assets he left for his political successors and other world leaders have proved to be of immense value, and his contribution and legacy will find a prominent place in the history of international relations.

While outlining Abe's enduring contributions, this presentation also considers his role in taking Japan-Australia relations to a new height.


Member PriceA$5

Student/Concession Member

Member PriceComplimentary


Standard PriceA$10

Student/Concession Non-Member

Standard PriceA$5

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Level 1 Flinders University at Victoria Square
Victoria Square 182
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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