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Join us as Dr Priyambudi Sulistiyanto shares and discusses two short documentary films, made with Fikri Yathir and Firdaus Muntazar, and funded by Global Encounters Monash project.

These are 'The Traces of Captain Boodieman' (Jejak Nahkoda Boodieman) and 'The Makassans: Past and Present (The Makassans: Dulu and Kini).

Budi will present a view of sharing and discussing the challenges and difficulties for finding the descendants of the trepangers (the Makassans who traveled by sea to find sea cucumbers) in Makassar and South Sulawesi.

The ultimate goals for making these documentary films are to educate the general public in South Sulawesi and Eastern Indonesia, especially younger generations (millennials and Gen Z), so that they can appreciate the people-to- people links established by their ancestors with the indigenous peoples in Northern and Western parts of Australia centuries ago.

Dr Sulistiyanto will also discuss his travel book, Finding Kapiten Boodieman: Catatan Perjalanan Intelektual di Australia dan Indonesia (Diomesia, 2024), based on his investigative journeys across Australia & Indonesia (2022-2024).

*6pm for a 6.15pm start.

*Light refreshments provided.


Priyambudi (Budi) Sulistiyanto

Senior Research Fellow at Monash Indigenous Studies Centre


Presentation and Q&A
Priyambudi (Budi) Sulistiyanto
  • Priyambudi (Budi) Sulistiyanto (Senior Research Fellow at Monash Indigenous Studies Centre)

    Priyambudi (Budi) Sulistiyanto

    Senior Research Fellow at Monash Indigenous Studies Centre

    Dr Priyambudi Sulistiyanto is currently Senior Research Fellow with Global Encounters Monash
    project at the Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Monash University, Melbourne. Before joining the
    project, he was Senior Lecturer in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Flinders
    University, Adelaide. He is a political scientist with teaching interests in the areas of Indonesian
    politics and comparative politics in Southeast Asia.

    His current research looks at the contemporary geo-strategic perspectives about Eastern Indonesia
    and Northern Australia.

    His publications include Finding Kapiten Boodieman: Catatan Perjalanan di Australia dan Indonesia
    (Diomedia, 2024); Indonesia dalam Pusaran Politik Regional (Suka Press, 2021); Thailand, Indonesia
    and Burma in Comparative Perspective (Ashgate, 2002), Regionalism in Post-Suharto Indonesia with
    Maribeth Erb and Carole Faucher (RoutledgeCurzon, 2005), and Deepening Democracy in Indonesia:
    Direct Elections for Local Leaders (Pilkada) with Maribeth Erb (ISEAS, 2009).

    His articles have appeared in Pacific Affairs, Third World Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary Asia,
    Australian Journal of Political Sciences, Sojourn, Indonesia, Religions, Kasarinlan, Inside Indonesia,
    Dignitas and The Conversation.

Networking and refreshments


Room 3.12, Flinders at Festival Plaza
One Festival Tower
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

See route

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